
See foorum on mõeldud filmide kommenteerimiseks.

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PostitusPostitas Soprano » 28. August 2008, 18:13


Pärast seda, kui maffiasidemetega vene miljardär korraldab suure kinnisvaraafääri, ootab korraga kõige kiiremat tegutsejat miljoneid dollareid. Loomulikult tahab terve Londoni allmaailm sellest osa saada. Kõik, ohtlikust vana kooli bossist kuni seksika raamatupidajani, korrumpeerunud poliitikust kuni meeleheitel pisisulideni teevad plaane, kaaluvad ja põrkuvad omavahel, püüdes vahendeid valimata ruttu rikkaks saada.

Täielikku tutvustust loe siit.
Kasutaja avatar
Soprano admin admin
Postitusi: 8748
Liitunud: 06. Jaanuar 2007, 05:24

PostitusPostitas Soprano » 28. August 2008, 18:20
RocknRolla avatiitrid, mille on teinud Danny Yount, kes on varasemalt teinud tiitreid filmidele Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Iron Man (lõputiitrid) ja nt. seriaalile Six Feet Under.
Kasutaja avatar
Soprano admin admin
Postitusi: 8748
Liitunud: 06. Jaanuar 2007, 05:24

PostitusPostitas Hülss » 29. August 2008, 18:07

Loodan, et Guy Ritchie heastab sellega oma Revolveri saasta. :)
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 1279
Liitunud: 14. Jaanuar 2007, 16:49
Asukoht: Tallinn

PostitusPostitas LiveForThis » 03. Jaanuar 2009, 18:06

Huvitav ,kas see lõpu tekst uue filmi kohta oli nali või midagi muud? ;-)
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 4911
Liitunud: 28. Juuni 2008, 15:25
Asukoht: Tallinn

PostitusPostitas Soprano » 03. Jaanuar 2009, 18:08

LiveForThis kirjutas:Huvitav ,kas see lõpu tekst uue filmi kohta oli nali või midagi muud? ;-)

Guy Ritchie on plaaninud triloogiat...
Kasutaja avatar
Soprano admin admin
Postitusi: 8748
Liitunud: 06. Jaanuar 2007, 05:24

PostitusPostitas LiveForThis » 03. Jaanuar 2009, 18:09

Soprano kirjutas:
LiveForThis kirjutas:Huvitav ,kas see lõpu tekst uue filmi kohta oli nali või midagi muud? ;-)

Guy Ritchie on plaaninud triloogiat...

Ooo jaaa, vinge 8)
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 4911
Liitunud: 28. Juuni 2008, 15:25
Asukoht: Tallinn

PostitusPostitas Cagefactor » 03. Jaanuar 2009, 20:30

Soprano kirjutas:
LiveForThis kirjutas:Huvitav ,kas see lõpu tekst uue filmi kohta oli nali või midagi muud? ;-)

Guy Ritchie on plaaninud triloogiat...

...if the film receives enough positive attention.
Ernest Hemingway once wrote, "The world is a fine place and worth fighting for." I agree with the second part.
Kasutaja avatar
Bond, James Bond
Bond, James Bond
Postitusi: 466
Liitunud: 12. Jaanuar 2007, 12:18
Asukoht: GPS-i peal vilgun punase värvusega.

PostitusPostitas LiveForThis » 03. Jaanuar 2009, 20:46

Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 4911
Liitunud: 28. Juuni 2008, 15:25
Asukoht: Tallinn

PostitusPostitas Cagefactor » 04. Jaanuar 2009, 20:39

According to imdb:
Will there be a sequel?

Yes. Guy Ritchie has asked filmgoers to see this film, as he is currently writing two sequels, intent on making a Rocknrolla trilogy. The working titles are "The Real Rocknrolla" and "Rocknrolla Suicide". The third installment, according to Ritchie, would bring the characters to America.
Ernest Hemingway once wrote, "The world is a fine place and worth fighting for." I agree with the second part.
Kasutaja avatar
Bond, James Bond
Bond, James Bond
Postitusi: 466
Liitunud: 12. Jaanuar 2007, 12:18
Asukoht: GPS-i peal vilgun punase värvusega.

PostitusPostitas Spellbound » 04. Jaanuar 2009, 22:36

Who are you? Who slips into my robot body and whispers to my ghost?
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 3527
Liitunud: 01. September 2008, 14:34
Asukoht: Tallinn

PostitusPostitas Soprano » 07. Jaanuar 2009, 00:27

Alar Niineväli hoiatus TV ekspressis:

Guy Ritchie üritab pärast mõningaid imelikke katsetusi korrata filmiga "RocknRolla" oma kahe esimese lavastajatöö, "Hunnik pappi ja suitsev kaheraudne" ja "Snatch" edu. Siin on jälestusväärne maffiaboss (Tom Wilkinson), petturist seksikas raamatupidaja (Thandie Newton), natuke heroiseeritud pätt (Gerard Butler), narkarist eksrockstaar (Toby Kebbell) ja suur hulk igasuguseid muid kriminaale. Nad ei jää millegi erilisega meelde, aga nad kõik üritavad osa saada vene kriminaalide suurest rahalaadungist. Loo detailid on justkui olemas, aga mingit toimivat kaasahaaravat tervikut neist küll ei moodustu. Käib tapmiste ja petmiste virvarr, kuid sellest, kes kellel tossu välja laseb või naha üle kõrvade tõmbab, ei ole vaatajal ei sooja ega külma. Naljad mõjuvad ülekasutatult või suisa homofoobselt. Ja mis värk see on, et Ritchie kujutab venelastest pätte alati üliinimestena, kellele võib kas või tankitõrje kahuriga pihta lasta ja ikka nad ära ei sure?
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Soprano admin admin
Postitusi: 8748
Liitunud: 06. Jaanuar 2007, 05:24

PostitusPostitas hau » 09. Jaanuar 2009, 20:42

Päris hea. Mitte parem kui Ritchie esimesed teosed, aga siiski korralik tükk. Näitlejaansambel oli hea, Butleri tegelaseks oleks mu arust sobind ka Clive Owen. Tundusid sarnased tüübid. Jones ja Statham oleks võind ka filmis olla. Musa oli super. Kaameratöö ka, aga tunnelistseenide ajal see stiil eriti ei istunud. Ja ma ei naernud tunnelistseeni ajal, nagu ülejäänud saal, pükse märjaks. Need venelased tundusid liiga ebarealistlikud ja karikatuurlikud teiste tegelaste kõrval. Samuti see Abramovichi karikatuurtegelane oli kohati liiga ohmu sellist tüüpi venna jaoks. Juri ja Abramovich on juba näost nii sarnased, et kohe kui ma nägin teda tekkis connection. Jalkastaadion kinnitas seda. Sisu see eest oli üllatavalt kerge jälgida. Ritchie pole enam nii julge nagu algusaastatel. Esimesed filmid olid tal ikka palju keerukamate käikudega. Revolveri ebaedu ja selgusetus ilmselt ehmatas ära ja tegi rocknrolla kindla peale, et vaataja jõuaks sisu ikka jälgida. Tegelastest oli kõige vingemad Arch ja Johnny.
Ritchie päris enesekindel, et lõpus jagab nii julgelt lubadusi järgedele.
Postitusi: 4195
Liitunud: 12. Veebruar 2006, 17:22
Asukoht: Tallinn

PostitusPostitas Forzelius » 18. Jaanuar 2009, 20:24

Omg, see oli film, mida tahaks uuesti näha. Väga meisterlikult tehtud/näideldud. Montaaž oli megamõnus ning ka muusika ning üleüldine olustik oli räigelt vinge. Guy Ritchie sai hakkama meistriteosega ja see film on üks parimaid näiteid heast actionist. Minu stiil totaalselt. Võib öelda, et tegu on ka meestekaga, kuid ka naised võivad seda vaadata ehkki nad seda niipalju ei naudi. Huumor oli samuti over the top. Igati hea film, mille järgesid varem vaatama lähen (oleks varem teadnud, et nii hea, oleksin rohkem pingutanud, et esilinastusele jõuda, Soprano.).

Liiga hea emotsiooni jättis, 9/10
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 13222
Liitunud: 22. Mai 2005, 21:22

PostitusPostitas Hülss » 18. Jaanuar 2009, 21:40

Muljed tulid seekord inglise keeles...

Guy Ritchie is back...well, almost. After the disappointment that was Revolver comes a recycled, but somewhat enjoyable crime comedy named RocknRolla. First in a trilogy, RocknRolla sets up a sequel and with the help of one man...Toby Kebbell. I would like to thank Reg Poerscout-Edgerton personally for casting Kebbell as Johnny "RocknRolla" Quid. Not only he manages to steal the show, but by the time the movie ends you actually will be looking forward to said sequel. That is if Mr. Ritchie takes the character through a more interesting and namely, original storyline. Which brings me to my main problem with RocknRolla. It doesn't differentiate itself from Ritchie's previous endeavours in the crime/comedy genre. There's a certain amount of people, all connected one way or another and everyone is after something the other one needs. A chain reaction that naturally ends with a lot of people dead. So yet again it becomes a game of who can outsmart the next one to save their own lives. I guess it's somewhat enjoyable with a different cast, but essentially the concept is the same as before. The first half of the movie fails to drag you in and therefore what happens on the screen is not much of interest. This sort of carelessness was not there in Ritchie's first two films and well, Revolver is something I wish I had never seen in the first place. Ritchie is back on the right track here, but it seems that the story was approached with a certain disregarding mentality à la take a fantastic bunch of actors, let them go after something valuable, in this case a lot of money and a painting, and see who lives. If it weren't for the fun and exciting second half, RocknRolla would be by it's concept a complete waste of time. There's a lot of things here however that make up for a boring beginning. As time starts to run out for many of the characters the story gets into full gear and finally it's enjoyable to watch.

One way of making a character more believable is if someone else introduced him or her. Narration wasn't really necessary in RocknRolla, it's just one of those things that Ritchie likes. A simple way to give those characters extra credibility or just a slice of cool. This helps cut down on dialogue between characters and since there are so many of them, he doesn't have much other choice. After he's used it so many times though, it's getting a bit old, but I guess he can't have it any other way. The simple truth is that there's way too many characters here, which is why many of them feel redundant. So one way to give all those characters more believability is with the help of a Narrator and in this film that role is carried out by Mark Strong, who plays "Archy". Instead of picking out the one's that matter most and use them to deliver a consistent, well-paced story, Ritchie resorts to older ways and turns RocknRolla into a recycled "Lock, Stock..." or "Snatch". The movie is nearly two hours long, which I'm not complaining about, but there's wasted space to introduce a certain number of characters. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't feel long, what it feels like is a sort of a mess. What you end up with is basically a big group of characters running errands for eachother that you don't really care about. So how do you make that interesting ? Ritchie uses his bag of old tricks as would any other director. His great visual style, his impeccable sense for music (doesn't rival Tarantino, but still), camera angles that feel appropriate and of course his trademark fast montages. All of this to deliver a more or less fun crime story and that British sense of humor is an essential ingredient. Though in RocknRolla's case there's a noticeable shortage of laughs compared to his first two films.

Everything is kept afloat by Toby Kebbell's "Johnny Quid", which is surprising for a character who's "under the radar" almost the entire course of the film. Since this is planned as a trilogy, it's pretty evident that Quid will be a central character in the sequel(s). When I saw Toby Kebbell in Wilderness (2006) a few years ago, I knew that this guy would resurface in a much bigger budget film and with a bigger role. Talent doesn't go unnoticed for too long and I'm glad he got his break. Guy Ritchie launched Jason Statham's career and this trilogy of RocknRolla's will no doubt put Kebbell on the map, so to speak. Another fantastic contribution to this film comes in the form of Gerard Butler, Mark Strong and the great Tom Wilkinson. As a contrast, Jeremy Piven and Ludacris offer absolutely fuck all. Piven is underutilized, who usually gives great comedic value with smaller parts, but since this is a British film his over the top acting wouldn't work within context. Ludacris however has not improved much as an actor and probably never will. Gerard Butler is great in both drama and comedy, I have yet to see a bad performance by him. It's also great to see more of Mark Strong, who is a solid pick and last but not least, you never can go wrong with Tom Wilkinson. One of the best actors ever to come out of the UK, although this particular film isn't the best example of his talent.

Five great things I can't forget about RocknRolla: Toby Kebbel's performance, the fantastic soundtrack, a brilliant dance scene, a brilliant sex scene and the title. Five bad things that I can't forget about RocknRolla: recycled/reused themes, lack of humor, Jeremy Piven/Ludacris, too many characters and a weak first half. Don't get me wrong, it's great to see Ritchie redeeming himself after Revolver. RocknRolla is the Guy Ritchie we know and love, although it's time for change. Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey Jr. will hopefully provide just that, but I can't say that I'm not looking forward to The Real RocknRolla. It may use recycled themes, such as the nearly undefeatable Russians and well, the whole concept, but it's fun and crazy, Guy Ritchie-style. It would've been nice if he had presented a more compact story without the surplus of characters and uninteresting situations that played out in result of that. Naturally that would've required a rewrite, but I imagine it would've been worth the extra effort. Also, it would be nice to see more women in his films. Sort of gives the impression there's no females in the local underworld. I'm no expert on crime, but there must be some shady ladies pulling strings there. If it weren't for Thandie Newton this would be an all male cast. All in all I enjoyed RocknRolla for what it is, but it could've been a lot better. Anyway, whether his future movies will improve or not, I will be forever grateful to Guy Ritchie for making "Snatch" and of course "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels".
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 1279
Liitunud: 14. Jaanuar 2007, 16:49
Asukoht: Tallinn

PostitusPostitas Soprano » 18. Jaanuar 2009, 22:37

Forza kirjutas:(oleks varem teadnud, et nii hea, oleksin rohkem pingutanud, et esilinastusele jõuda, Soprano.).

Lahe, et meeldis. Käisid praegu üksi vaatamas?

Panen lähiajal oma pikema arvamuse kirja...
Kasutaja avatar
Soprano admin admin
Postitusi: 8748
Liitunud: 06. Jaanuar 2007, 05:24


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