Deepwater Horizoni katastroof

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Deepwater Horizoni katastroof

PostitusPostitas Ronet » 20. September 2016, 12:13

Deepwater Horizoni katastroof
Puurimisplatvorm Horisont (Deepwater Horizon) (2016)

2010. aasta 20. aprillil toimus Mehhiko lahes Deepwater Horizoni naftaplatvormil üks maailma suurimaid inimese põhjustatud katastroofe.

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"What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?" - William T. Riker
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Re: Deepwater Horizoni katastroof

PostitusPostitas Ronet » 05. Oktoober 2016, 23:12

Üllatavalt hästi tehtud mürgel. Kogu masinavärk nägi väga realistlik välja. Üks nendest, mida soovitaks võimalikult suure ekraani pealt vaadata. Ülesehituse poole pealt selline vanakoolilik Towering Inferno vibega film. Toimib hästi.

Wtf, John Malkovich tho?!

Päevik | 2021
"What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?" - William T. Riker
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Ronet meeskond meeskond
Postitusi: 5960
Liitunud: 08. November 2008, 08:40

Re: Deepwater Horizoni katastroof

PostitusPostitas Ronet » 03. Jaanuar 2017, 14:57

Ühes foorumis kirjutas üks härra nii:
So i work in the oil field as an engineer on a rig and can seriously relate to this movie. I had a hard time finding faults in it. I was mainly interested in showing this to my wife to show her what I actually do and the risk associated. She bawled her eyes out...

Now I understand most of you watch this movie in the aspect of how it was produced, what script they used, etc. but for me this was real... actually more than real. It actually made me realize that it's not always just, "Do what your told." mentality. My wife, an amazing woman, will now never be able to rest comfortably knowing the full aspect of what I do. But, to comment on the movie, it was everything you expect it to be and a tad bit more. My opinion of course is biased, I hope you enjoy what i do on a day to day.
Päevik | 2021
"What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?" - William T. Riker
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Ronet meeskond meeskond
Postitusi: 5960
Liitunud: 08. November 2008, 08:40

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